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How To Know That Incoming Oxygen Cylinder Is Full, And The Hospital Is Not Being Shortcharged?

It's very important to understand that the oxygen cylinders hospitals received are full and they are not being shortchanged. Many situations have happened when hospitals have received oxygen cylinders that are not full. And many clinics have also asked how they even know if they are being short-charged.

The consumption of oxygen in hospitals has become more in the past five years. Since the covid pandemic hit the world, the need for medical oxygen has increased rapidly. The number of oxygen cylinders a hospital, clinic, or healthcare center received 10 years back was very less, but now the number has doubled. And this is why hospitals need to make sure that the oxygen cylinders they receive are full and that they are not being fooled by the companies.

There are several ways in which you can know the oxygen cylinder is full and hospitals are not being short-charged. Some of them include-

How To Know That Incoming Oxygen Cylinder Is Full?


The first thing you can do is check the label that has been attached to the oxygen cylinder. Usually, when an oxygen cylinder is filled with oxygen a label is attached to it with liters mentioned when it is full. But this is only seen when the cylinder is full, but it does not show how much quantity it has every time it is used.

For this, usually, doctors calculate in their minds how much is used so they can maintain accuracy. You can check for a full oxygen cylinder through labels, which is the safest method and the easiest method.


Another easiest way of checking if the oxygen cylinder received is full is by checking the pressure. The pressure mentioned in the pressure gauge can tell how much oxygen is available in the cylinder. The theory is: Since oxygen is a compressed gas, the more gas that is filled in, the higher pressure the pressure gauge will show. Overall, if the cylinder is full, the pressure will show high on the gauge and if the oxygen cylinder has low oxygen in it, the pressure will show less.

There should be an exact pressure when an oxygen tank is full. Keep in mind the reading on the pressure gauge and compare whenever an oxygen cylinder is received.


When Is An Oxygen Cylinder Considered Empty?


In case you have no devices like that, you can check the capacity of an oxygen cylinder

with the help of a digital weighing machine. To check the oxygen cylinder:

- Take out one oxygen cylinder from multiple of them.

- Put one of the oxygen cylinders on the digital weighing machine.

- Check the label and you will know if the cylinder is full or short-charged.

- There must be a standard volume when a cylinder is full, you can compare it with that.


As mentioned earlier, create a standard volume when an oxygen cylinder is full of oxygen. This means when you have a full oxygen cylinder, measure it once for all future references. So, when next time you weigh the oxygen cylinder you can take reference from the volume you measure from your full cylinder.

If the oxygen cylinder you measured is nearly equal to your standard, it will be considered full. If the volume will be less than the standard, that means the oxygen cylinder is not filled.

Generally, a full oxygen cylinder weighs around 2000 psi. You can calculate all the oxygen cylinders compared to this weight.

These are some of the methods you can check if the oxygen cylinders the hospital receive are full. Buy any of the devices and check the quantity every time an oxygen cylinder is imported.

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