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Does PSA Produce Liquid Oxygen? If Yes, How? If No, Why?

The oxygen consumption in hospitals all over the world has been increasing rapidly. Hospitals require more amount of oxygen compared to what they required 5 years back. Some reports also mentioned that there has been seen a big change in postoperative and ventilatory management when it comes to the consumption of oxygen.

There are multiple ways in which a Hospital can generate oxygen for its use. There are basically three ways in which hospitals generate oxygen. Out of them, one is a High-pressure cylinder system, where oxygen is generated by applying high pressure to the cylinder. The second way is Liquid oxygen supply systems which are also called cryogenic liquid systems. The third and the most widely used way is Pressure swing adsorption systems. All three system works in a very different manner.

But the main question of the article is whether PSA System can generate liquid oxygen? As mentioned above, there can be various ways in which oxygen can be extracted, does it mean PSA Can extract any type of oxygen? Is liquid oxygen and medical oxygen the same? Here in this article all of the questions you are wondering will be answered.

Does PSA Produce Liquid Oxygen??

The process of PSA in generating oxygen and the process of generating oxygen from the Liquid oxygen supply system is very different from each other. Thus, PSA Cannot produce liquid oxygen. There is no way you can generate liquid oxygen from PSA Systems. There is no doubt that PSA Systems are very easy to use and user-friendly. You can generate medical oxygen at any on-site. But Liquid oxygen cannot be generated through PSA systems.

Let's understand how both of these processes work in order to understand the whole concept.

Working Of A PSA System

Nowadays, PSA Systems are considered very easy and user-friendly when it comes to generating oxygen. With the use of PSA systems, medical oxygen can be generated anywhere in the health care centers, hospitals, or clinics on site. Now the main question is How PSA generates oxygen. The major input of generating oxygen through PSA is air. There are two most important gases present when input is done. The first one is Oxygen which has a total concentration of 20.95%, and the second one is Nitrogen, which has a total concentration of 78.09%.

The main concept of PSA Systems is that when a gas is pressurized, solids tend to adsorb the gases. The first thing that happens in the system is air is pressurized, and then it is passed through a bed of adsorbent. It's important to know that the adsorbent bed that is placed in PSA System, mostly attracts nitrogen more when compared to oxygen. And then it finally generates the medical oxygen in the easiest way.

This is how a PSA System works. It has many benefits, which include:

- Health Care centers can produce their own medical oxygen with the help of the PSA Oxygen generator system. Clinics. Health care centers and Hospitals can generate hospital on-site easily.

- When generating oxygen with the help of a


Oxygen generator, you can do it in the easiest way. Its safe, reliable, and

cost-effective. The area requirements and energy requirements of the PSA generator are very reasonable.

Liquid Oxygen Supply System Working

The liquid Oxygen supply system uses liquid oxygen to produce medical oxygen. In the middle of the supply system, there is a vacuum insulated evaporator attached. This is also called an insulated reservoir. You might be wondering, what does this do? This is the place where the system stores cold liquid oxygen in bulk. The insulated reservoir can be a portable, lightweight container or it can also be a permanently attached reservoir.

If you have seen any of the reservoirs, you must have noticed that it has double-walled construction. In addition to this, there is a vacuum between both, the outer and inner shells. Now let's move to how the system works? Well, The liquid oxygen that is stored flows out of the Insulated reservoir and then the oxygen is passed through a device called an ambient vaporizer.

The Heat that comes from the ambient vaporizer warms the liquid oxygen. The heat comes from the surroundings and is captured by the vaporizer, this heat turns the liquid oxygen into gaseous form. After this process, this gaseous form of oxygen is heated again and then sent to the distributor line.


This is how both systems work. But should be very clear that, the PSA Oxygen generator system does not produce liquid oxygen due to the devices the system has and which are not capable of doing that.